DME Handbook
- School Telephone Numbers
- Attendance Policy
- Permission to Leave School
- Transportation
School Telephone Numbers
Our office phone number is (803) 438-4055. Our school fax number is (803) 438-7925. Using our automated answering system, you may dial directly to the extension of the person you are trying to reach or you may dial 0 to reach the front office. Office personnel will take messages for teachers and staff members, but may not be able to deliver them immediately. If you wish to speak with a teacher by phone, please leave a message with the office personnel or teacher voice mail. The person you are calling will return your call during a planning time or after school.
A student may use the office phone to call home in the event of an emergency.
You may email your child’s teacher or any employee by using the first name.last For example, the email address for Ms. Lewis, our principal, is Teachers may also be reached via DOJO messenger. You will receive setup instructions for DOJO from your child’s teacher.
Attendance Policy
Have you ever heard, “If you’re on time, you’re late?” Our instructional day begins at 7:30 a.m. Children should be in their classrooms and ready to begin work before the tardy bell at 7:30 a.m. When children arrive after 7:30 a.m., a parent must sign in the student in the front office. The student will then take a tardy pass to the teacher.
When students are tardy, they interrupt class and may miss important explanations of the assignments. Remember, missing just five minutes a day is equal to 25 minutes of lost instruction each week! Punctuality is a quality of good citizenship, therefore, please help your child arrive on time to school each day.
If your child is late due to an emergency, please write a note of explanation.
In accordance with Board Policy JH, students will be allowed no more than ten (10) general absences during the 180-day school year. All children are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill. Of course, situations do occur that prevent students from coming to school. School officials understand that these absences are necessary and, therefore, accept them as excused absences:
Illness with a doctor’s note (both temporary and extended)
Medical/dental appointments
Serious illness or death in a student’s family
Absences approved by the school administration
Recognized religious holidays
General absences include:
Absences for student health concerns that do not require the attention of a health practitioner (A parent note is required.);
Absences for non-approved out-of-town trips or activities (A parent note is required.);
Absences without acceptable cause or without parental permission. *
(*Students are not allowed these types of absences. Truancy is not permitted under any circumstances.) Parents of students with excessive absences or tardies will be called for a Truancy Intervention Plan and may be reported to the Kershaw County Mental Health Department and/or Family Court.
A note is required for all absences and must be submitted within (5) days from the date of return to school. It is recommended that these notes be submitted in the form of a note to the teacher and/or an email to the teacher and Cathie Morgan (, our registrar, upon return to school. The note must be signed by a parent/guardian and state the reason for the absence. Medical excuses must be legitimate documents provided and signed by a licensed/certified health practitioner. Parents are urged to schedule health appointments after school hours so as not to miss valuable instruction.
Student attendance is very important to your child’s academic success, so please be here and be on time each and every day!
Examples of Required Notes
* Notes to explain an absence
* Notes to explain tardiness
* Notes to request early dismissal
* Notes to excuse the child from recess or physical education class
* Notes to grant permission to attend field trips
* Notes to allow the child to ride home with another child in a car
* Notes to change transportation procedures
* Proper form to take medication
* Notes to inform about an allergic reaction (should be accompanied by a doctor’s note)
Permission to Leave School
If you must take your child from school before the close of the school day, you should send a note in this agenda book to the child’s teacher the morning of the early dismissal. The note must state the reason for, and specify the time of, the early dismissal. For safety reasons, no sign-outs will be allowed after 2:00 p.m.
We DO NOT allow students to leave the school grounds without being accompanied by you or a designated adult listed on your child’s pick up list in our computer system. Also, anyone picking up any student will have to present identification to pick up the student(s).
For safety reasons, please do not line up in the car rider area until 2:00 p.m. Also, if you are planning to volunteer, please arrive before 2:00 p.m. Please remain in the classroom until 2:30, and then exit through the front doors, which will enable the front office staff to maintain accountability for each student and visitor.
Doby’s Mill Elementary School serves students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Five.
Success in school and working cooperatively are emphasized at every grade level. The South Carolina standards for English, Language Arts, and Mathematics are taught, and these standards are tested annually in Grades Three through Five. Standardized tests, such as the IOWA, CoGat, MAP tests, SCReady, and SCPASS are also administered to students as determined by the state and district, to identify students who qualify for gifted education in Grades Three through Five. Standardized tests will be administered in the school building for all students.
In all classrooms, emphasis is placed on integrated subject matter and critical thinking skills/problem solving. Our students are able to learn and enhance technical and science skills through the use of the Technology Lab and STEAM Lab. Students also benefit from the 1:1 use of technology each day.
Our phenomenal Media Center, specialized Computer Labs, and specialist teachers in Art, Music, Physical Education, STEAM lab, and SEAGUL further enrich the instructional program. The instructional staff and administrators at Doby’s Mill Elementary School believe that educating children is a team effort and, thus, hold high expectations for all students to achieve optimal learning!
- Homework
- Textbooks
- Chromebooks
- After School Enrichment Program
- Field Trips/Studies
- School Counselor/Character Education
- Lost and Found
- MTSS (Multi-Tier System of Supports)
- Special Services
- Health Room Services
- School Lunch and Breakfast Program
- Ambassadors
- Volunteers/Parent Involvement
The purpose of homework is to extend the work of the school day and to develop good study habits by stimulating a positive, intrinsic work ethic, initiative, independence, responsibility, and self-direction. Thus, students may be assigned homework throughout the week. When assigned, homework is expected to be completed as an extension of the day’s lesson.
Doby’s Mill Checklist for Success
Ask if nightly homework is completed. (Math, Spelling, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Writing, and SEAGUL – Monday through Thursday)
Sign anything in the communication folder that requires a signature.
Quiz spelling words, vocabulary, or math facts.
Check the communication folder for comments, extra assignments, or parent resources.
See all returned materials in the Communications Folder. Sign and return the folder.
Read all communication from your child’s teacher
Read to or with your child nightly.
After School Enrichment Program
We are very excited about our after school program! Boys and Girls Club, Be Great Academy, provides your child the opportunity to have supervision, homework assistance, snacks, and special enrichment activities. The program is open to students in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade and follows the school calendar. Hours of operation are 2:30-6:30 p.m. Registration for the program is online on the Be Great Academy website. There is a weekly fee for this program.
On early dismissal days or when any student who is not registered in the program is brought back by the bus or not picked up from the car rider area, a drop in fee will be assessed by the Boys and Girls Club of America.
Field Trips/Studies
When students leave the school to go on field studies, they become ambassadors for Doby's Mill Elementary School; therefore, exceptional student conduction is essential! In order to assist in maintaining the positive public image of Doby's Mill, students who have proven that they cannot continually meet the expectations of good behavior in the school may not be allowed to visit places with less structure. Siblings will not be allowed to attend field trips or field days. A chaperone agreement must be signed by parents who wish to attend trips. All field trip chaperones must be on the Approved Level II Volunteer List (see Volunteers/Parental Involvement). No parent is allowed to drive separately from the school bus due to liability issues and to ensure the safety and supervision of our students.
Students who are unable to attend a field study will remain at school in a structured learning environment and will work on related curriculum. Likewise, students who have been suspended from riding the school bus may be ineligible to participate in field trips if transportation for these trips is provided by the Kershaw County School District.
Fees for field trips must be submitted by the deadline. Please send the correct amount for the field trip, since no money is kept at school. Monies submitted after the deadline will be returned to the parent, and the child/chaperone will be ineligible to attend the field trip. No refunds will be issued for students who become ineligible to attend or are unable to attend a field study.
School Counselor/Character Education
Doby’s Mill Elementary School has a comprehensive school counseling program. Our School Counselor visits classes to teach lessons on character, goal setting, decision-making, getting along with others, career awareness, safety, and other important life skills. Small group sessions are conducted for referred students to discuss topics, such as friendship, managing grief, dealing with feelings, and social skills. The Counselor coordinates the Doby’s Mill Character Education program and conducts periodic parent workshops on topics of interest. Please call if you have any questions concerning the school counseling program or if you would like to schedule a conference with the School Counselor in regard to your child’s achievement, adjustment, or growth and development.
Lost and Found
We maintain a lost and found area at DME. To minimize lost articles, please put your child’s name on items of clothing which he/she may remove. (Remember to practice safety, and don’t display children’s names where strangers may see!) All unclaimed articles are donated to a local charity every month. Remind your child to check the lost and found if he/she is missing something. Unclaimed Lost and Found items are donated to charity routinely.
MTSS (Multi-Tier System of Supports)
MTSS (Multi-Tier System of Supports) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students who are experiencing educational and/or behavioral difficulties. Teachers or parents can refer students if there are concerns, and the MTSS team will meet and offer specific intervention strategies while closely monitoring student progress. The team accepts referrals/suggestions from parents and teachers concerning students who are experiencing educational and/or behavioral difficulties. Students having difficulties are referred to the MTSS team and monitored using specific strategies and meetings with team members in order to help a child make academic and/or behavioral progress
Special Services
Students whose disabilities meet state and federal guidelines will be offered special education services as determined by an IEP (individualized education plan) team consisting of the child’s parents and school personnel. Please contact your child’s teacher, guidance counselor, intervention coordinator, or administrator to communicate a parent concern.
Health Room Services
Doby’s Mill has a Registered Nurse assigned to the school. She coordinates the school health program and acts as a liaison between school personnel, community organizations, and medical resources. We have a well-equipped Health Room staffed by the school nurse/health room assistant. The health room is set up to assist students with minor first aid and minor illnesses. The nurse reports illnesses of students to parents and follows the school district policies and the DHEC exclusion policies for South Carolina schools and daycares as to whether a student should go home due to illness or injury. Students with a temperature of 100˚ or above will be sent home. All students are to be fever and vomit free for 24 hours without Tylenol, Motrin, etc., before returning to school. In addition, any student who is vomiting will be sent home.
For student safety, we must have your current address and phone number(s), plus another emergency number on file in the health room. The health room is also where any medication that needs to be taken during the school day is stored. The school nurse/health room assistant is trained to assist students with medication during the school day in accordance with the school district’s policy (JLCD-R) for assisting students with medications.
The school district medication permission form must be completed by a parent/guardian, and a physician’s signature is required for all medications taken at school. This includes all medications (over the counter and prescription.) All medications (including over the counter, including cough drops/lozenges) must be in the original pharmacy labeled container. All medication (prescription and over the counter, including cough drops/lozenges) must be brought in by an adult. Please do not send any medication with a student. The parent/guardian must assume the responsibility of informing school personnel of any changes in the medication routine or student’s health status.
All current KCSD Covid protocols will be followed. Keep in mind these can change regularly.
School Lunch and Breakfast Program
The Breaker’s Café staff provides nourishing, well-balanced meals for students, visitors, and staff. While students are encouraged to eat the lunches provided at school, they may bring a lunch from home. Glass containers are discouraged.
The School Food Service determines meal prices in the summer based on budgetary demands. Prices are approved by the Kershaw County School Board. This year all breakfast and lunch are both free. Breakfast is served from 7:00 a.m. until 7:30 a.m.. Breakfast will be served in the classroom.
Kershaw County Schools will participate in a school choice serving line. Elementary students will be offered at least two entrée choices at lunch. One choice is typically a traditional lunch, and the second choice is a Fresh Express option which consists of a lower fat entrée. Free and reduced meals benefits are available as outlined by the National School Lunch Program. Applications are available online at any time during the school year. All parents are encouraged to complete applications. Online applications can be submitted from any computer with internet access. Simply go to and click on the Meal Benefits link on the left side of the page. From there, you may complete an online application through the School Lunch app or check the status of your application once you’ve completed it. Please remember that applications can be submitted at any time during the year if circumstances in the household change.
The cafeteria provides many opportunities to learn and practice social skills and good manners. At lunch, students may speak with one another in acceptable, conversational tones.
Fourth and fifth grade students have the opportunity to apply to be in our Ambassador Program. Discipline, commitment, and loyalty are expected of all Ambassadors. These students must exhibit leadership and not have any discipline problems. A permission slip will be sent home with each student selected explaining the roles and expectations of the Ambassador members.
Volunteers/Parent Involvement
Parents, grandparents, and guardians actively support their children's education by participating in numerous activities and events. Annually, our parents and community members invest over 7,000 volunteer hours at Doby's Mill Elementary in helping to nurture the growth of our student's education. In addition to conferences, other events attended by parents are Open House, Grade Level performances and awards ceremonies, Family Reading and Science Nights, PTA meetings, Trunk or Treat, Boosterthon, and all other special programs.
We invite parents and community residents to assist in the instructional programs by volunteering their time to work in classrooms, the media center, and the office. All volunteers must register and should record daily duties and hours volunteered in the school office log. The procedure for becoming a Level II Volunteer is below.
All volunteers must complete the Kershaw County School District volunteer application and be approved by the district office. Level I volunteers are those persons who interact with students under the supervision of a KCSD employee, such as guest speakers, field day volunteers, classroom helpers, etc.). Level II volunteers are those persons who may have unsupervised interaction with students such as field trip chaperones, tutors, or mentors.
Persons interested in becoming a Level II volunteer must complete the volunteer application using BIB as explained below.
BIB (Background Investigation Bureau) - $16.95
*Kershaw County School District will no longer accept SLED checks as background checks.*
Applying is electronic – accessible from the school and district website.
Visit our website to access information:
Paper applications will only be accepted for Level 1 Volunteers.
Parents may come to the district office for assistance if they don’t have a computer.
Application Process:
Parent Applies/Pays Online $16.95 using Visa/MasterCard. If you do not have a credit card, prepaid Visa/MasterCard can be used. Even with a user fee of $4-$7, the total cost is less than the current $26 background check fee.
BIB Processes Application/Payment BIB Conducts Background Check
DO Approves or Disapproves Parent
BIB Sends Letter & ID Card (Approval must be renewed every two years.)
Renewal Notice: BIB tracks, notifies parent, updates school/district, and processes renewals
Check(s) Run: Address History Trace, County Court Search (Multi-County),
National Criminal Record Locator, Sex Offender Registry
- Eligibility to Attend Doby's Mill Elementary
- Book Bags
- Dress Code
- Smoke Free
- Student Conduct
- School-Wide PBIS 5 "Fin-Tastic" Rules
- Cell Phones/Smart Watches
- Address and Phone Numbers
Eligibility to Attend Doby's Mill Elementary
For registration purposes, students must present a certified birth certificate, SC immunization certificate, and proof of residence in the DME attendance zone, which includes the correct and current address on driver’s license, correct and current address on registration or tax document for vehicle, check stub from current employer (showing current home address), and a mortgage or lease agreement verifying the current address or a legally notarized document from the landlord along with a copy of the landlord’s current utility bill. Anyone not having the proper documents will be directed to the district’s residency officer.
Book Bags
Dress Code
The responsibility for the dress and appearance of the students shall rest with individual students and their parents. You have the right to determine how the student will dress provided that the attire (1) is not destructive to school property, (2) complies with requirements for health and safety, and (3) does not interfere with the educational process. You may refer to the Kershaw County School District Student Dress Code JICA-R for the entire dress code.
The administration of Doby’s Mill Elementary School is committed to providing the most productive and distraction free learning environment possible for each and every student. The administration is authorized to take action in instances where individual dress does not meet the stated requirements.
Because of health and safety hazards, all students must wear shoes. Flip flops are discouraged.
Students should not wear clothing with inappropriate print language, symbols, tobacco, or alcoholic beverage advertisements.
Pants must be worn at the waist. No undergarments should ever be exposed.
No cut-off, half, or midriff shirts are allowed. At no time should a student’s midsection be exposed.
No see-through shirts or blouses or spaghetti straps are allowed.
Hats and/or sunglasses should not be worn inside any building, unless permitted in conjunction with a school-related event.
Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be worn at or about three to four inches from the top of the knee.
**It is expected that visitors and volunteers also respectfully adhere to a professional dress code.**
Smoke Free
In accordance with Board Policy GBED, all Kershaw County schools are smoke-free facilities. Tobacco use includes smokeless tobacco products as well as other products. We ask that parents and visitors adhere to this policy while in school or in our car rider line. Please do not smoke on campus including in the car rider area. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated as we wish to model healthy behavior for our students.
Student Conduct
Citizenship in a democracy requires respect for the rights of others. Our students are expected to conduct themselves in a way that the rights and privileges of others are not violated. Our school-wide character education and discipline policy is in effect throughout our school – in the car rider area, cafeteria, buses, recess, related arts, field trips, and after school programs. Consistency is very important! After the first week of school, your child will know exactly what is expected at Doby’s Mill Elementary School.
School-Wide PBIS 5 "Fin-Tastic" Rules
Cell Phones/Smart Watches
Students may have cell phones and smart watches at school. However, the cell phones must be secured in the student’s book bag. The smart watch may be worn, but cannot be used to text, call, or communicate with others during our school day. If the student is caught using a phone or a smart watch during the day, it will be confiscated. In this case, parents will need to meet with the principal to pick it up. When this happens, students may not be allowed to bring these devices to school.
Address and Phone Numbers
It is very important that Doby’s Mill Elementary School be able to contact you in an emergency. This information is also used by the district wide automated phone system which is used to report school closings, delays and other important news. We must have your current address and phone number at all times, even if your phone number is unlisted. Please notify the school attendance secretary (Cathie Morgan) if you change your address or phone number. This information is confidential and necessary to ensure vital communication between home and school.
Students are encouraged to ride the bus to and from school whenever possible. Our school has many car riders, and congestion in the mornings often creates lines and delays. Please drive with care, love, and patience and obey the crossing guard and duty teachers. Buckle up!!
- Changes in Transportation
- Car Riders
- Car Rider Afternoon Pickup
- Car Rider Safety
- Walkers
- School Bus Riders
- Rules for Safe Bus Riding
- As A Parent, How Can I Assist In the School Bus Efforts?
- What If My Child Misses the Bus?
Changes in Transportation
Students must have notes from home in the morning stating any changes in the day’s transportation. Due to safety issues, we discourage emails and phone messages as we cannot verify a person’s identity using these methods of communication. If you find it necessary to make a change in your child’s transportation during the school day, it is recommended that you either bring in a note or fax a note to (803) 438-7925. In addition, if your child cannot ride the bus due to disciplinary action, you must send a note indicating how your child will go home.
Car Riders
Student car riders are encouraged to arrive and be dropped off between 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. in front of the school. Remember, our school day begins at 7:30 a.m., and students are tardy unless they are in their classrooms before 7:30 am. No child should arrive before 7:00 a.m. or be unsupervised! All children under the age of 13 should ride in the back seat. It is vital that all parents follow procedures and use the car rider area safely. Students should never, under any circumstances, be dropped off in any school parking lot. Students should exit cars on the passenger side at the sidewalk then follow on the right side of the sidewalk line to the doors.Please have your children practice entering and exiting the car independently. The Kershaw County Sheriff’s Department will ticket all violations. Seatbelts must be worn by all passengers in vehicles. “Buckle Up,” and be safe!
Car Rider Afternoon Pickup
Afternoon dismissal is 2:30 p.m. Students should be picked up in the car rider area. As parents arrive, students are called by walkie-talkie communication to come to their cars, which allows student safety and accountability. Please have your name card that was provided to you by your child’s teacher in the front dash to expedite the car rider line. For safety reasons, please do not come into the building to get your child, as they cannot be released once school has been dismissed. If at all possible, students will need to enter and exit cars independently.
For the safety of our students, please keep your child’s name visible until your child is in your car. Vehicles without car rider tags will have to report to the main office to pick up the student. If you have more than one student, please indicate this on the OLDEST child’s car tag.
Car Rider Safety
It is vital that you practice safety at all times. PLEASE make sure that your child, other students, Safety Patrol members, and teachers are away from your car before you move. It is a good practice to put your car in park before a student enters or departs your car. Also, no student drop-offs will be allowed from an inside lane nor from the parking lot. Students are allowed to exit to the sidewalk only! Also, please do not pass cars on the left hand side of the driveway drop off zone before the first crosswalk.
Students from our surrounding neighborhoods are welcome to walk to school. Please enter the school grounds on the right side of the car line and follow it all the way to the building. Parents should not walk all the way to the building as this can be a safety issue for our car line. Parents should stop at the walker sign for drop off and pick up. The person calling the cars will call your student out to meet you in this designated area. The walker sign is located at the light pole near the corner of the building. For the safety of our students, please do not bring animals on campus when you are dropping off or picking up a student. If you need assistance, please come directly to the front office.
School Bus Riders
School bus transportation is a privilege that may be withdrawn for inappropriate behavior. We have excellent drivers who work with students before a referral is made to the school’s administration for assistance. If discipline problems occur on the bus, the driver will complete a disciplinary report and submit it to the school for appropriate action in accordance with the Kershaw County School Bus Discipline Code. If your child is suspended from the school bus, you must send a change of transportation note indicating how your child will go home. A copy of the school bus referral will be sent to the parents via the student or mail, and/or the parents may be phoned regarding the incident. If the problem persists, students may be suspended from riding a bus.
Rules for Safe Bus Riding
1. PBIS rules are enforced on the bus.
2. Board the bus in an orderly manner and remain seated. If seats are assigned, sit in your assigned seat.
3. Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
4. Keep arms, hands, feet and other body parts inside the bus and to yourself.
5. Do not throw things on the bus or from a bus window. Keep the bus clean and sanitary.
6. Keep books, packages, coats, and other objects in your lap and free from the aisle.
7. Be on time at your designated bus stop. Buses are unable to wait for children.
8. If no one is at the bus stop to receive children, they will be returned to school and sent to the after school program. A daily fee will be assessed by the Boys and Girls Club.
9. Do not bring onto the bus large objects (i.e., science fair projects) or any object prohibited by district policy.
As A Parent, How Can I Assist In the School Bus Efforts?
Ensure that your child understands his/her responsibilities when riding the bus.
Parents can take turns monitoring local neighborhood school bus stops.
While driving your car, be alert for school buses and stop while the bus is loading or unloading children.
Report violations of school bus drivers to the Elgin Transportation Office, giving bus number, location, and time. You can reach Mrs. Vanessa Garza, Bus Supervisor, at (803) 438-2135 or fax her at (803) 408-1067.
What If My Child Misses the Bus?
DME, in partnership with parents and families, will do our best each day to love, nurture, and educate each child that enters the building. Thank you for sharing your student with us!